Tuesday, April 30, 2013

More Frazzled Than Usual...

Like most classrooms during this time of the year, we have a countdown for summer. This countdown was alot of fun...UNTIL IT HIT ME!  18 DAYS LEFT OF SCHOOL?!?!? I have assessments, packing, end of the year stuff to do. Not to mention, I'm not done with these students yet! There is still so much to do. I am feeling extra frazzled today.

All of my stress and anxiety is really getting high. This is my first year as a classroom teacher with my own room. I was hired in this position because the previous teacher passed away very suddenly. There are many things in my classroom that were her's. Her family has come to get the personal things that were special to them. I guess if no one claims them by the summer, these things will be mine to use for the next year's students. This is very uncharted water for me.  We shall see what the next few weeks and years bring for me!

I found this picture and thought it was appropriate.


  1. It's okay, hon, we're down to 13! :)
    We'll make it!!!
    Elements of Elementary

  2. I know!!! I have a countdown in my room! I only have 13 days to get EVERYTHING done.
