As stated before, I LOVE ELF ON THE SHELF!!!! This is how our family starts our Elf on the Shelf tradition every year.
When it starts to get close to Christmas time (or whenever my daughter starts to get "that holiday spirit") we right a letter to Santa asking him to send us back our elf on the shelf. Our elf's name is Tootsie. My daughter wrote the letter all by herself.
She told me what she wanted to say and I sounded out the words for her.
It says: "Dear Santa, I love Tootsie. Will you send him back? (I) Love, Olivia.
She was so proud of herself that she wrote the letter all by herself!
When she was done, we put it in the mailbox and sent it to Santa!
I will post more about Tootsie after he comes to our house!!!